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Daily Schedule
-With the use of small group instruction, readers workshop, centers, and independent practice, your child will begin working on the many new early reading skills they will develop in Kindergarten.
- A perfect time to get hands on and learn the basics. We follow Pearson 2.0 as a guide to our lessons.
Writers Workshop
-You will be amazed with your little writer this year! We start with the basics of letter formation, name writing, and drawing ideas. This transforms into sentences and eventually stories before your eyes!
Science/ Social Studies
- Much of our Social Studies and Science curriculum is embedded directly into our ELA or Math blocks. It is taught through literature, hands on activities and lots of conversation!
Daily Special
- Our specials rotate on an A, B weekly schedule. Please refer to your individual teacher to know your child's schedule.
Lunch/ Recess
-Your child will receive 20 minutes of lunch and 20 minutes of recess daily.
Lunch with Milk-$3.00
Individual Milk - $0.60
All lunch accounts can be set up on My School Bucks.
-Please pack a healthy snack daily for your child. It is very helpful for you to go over what is snack and what is lunch with your child before coming to school! A "special" bag for snack is an easy solution that helps them remember what they should be eating and when.
If your child has any food allergies please be sure to let our school nurse, Mrs. Secor know ASAP!
** Sneakers are needed on all PE days and for recess daily**
School Hours
9:00am - 3:20pm
No Lunch Served
or Dismissal Changes
When absent from school, your child will need a written excuse upon returning to school. A late arrival (tardy) requires this as well. If your child's normal dismissal routine is being altered, this will also require a note. Please call the office when your child is absent or if any last minute changes need to occur at dismissal.
Websites & Resources
Scholastic Reading Club
Scholastic makes it easy to keep your child's home library up to date. Click on the link below to place your order each month, and help our classrooms earn free books at the same time! Mrs. Arket's online code is G8VFF. Ms. Monk's online code is V7X3K and Mrs. Richardson's online code is H2MCD
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